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Yoga Accessories

Unleash your Inner Warrior

Discover your own journey with Yoga and Pilates


Yoga teacher kneeling holding yoga mat

Welcome to Inner Warrior

Meet Laura

I have had a passion for fitness throughout my career and personal life. To complement my running and powerlifting at a younger age, my path led me to yoga, which gave me so much more than I was expecting as the benefits were endless. My body became stronger and healthier. I learned how to breathe effectively and soon discovered that when I was on my yoga mat it became a place of peace and contentment. Already a qualified personal trainer and group exercise instructor, I decided to undergo my Yoga Teacher Training and have been teaching in the community for a number of years. 


I discovered Pilates after having my two children. Pilates helped me to reconnect with my body and mind, and after qualifying as a Pilates instructor,  I now love being able to help other people do the same. 


My passion and purpose is enabling others to have a better understanding of their body, breathing and mind, to find a connection to their own personal power, building self-confidence and freedom to explore their own self development and inner peace. 

Class Options

Group Session

My classes are available to everyone. To all abilities whether you practice regularly or a beginner. 


Yoga classes will vary in styles focusing on mindful movement and mobility, breathwork and relaxation. 


Pilates will focus on improving postural alignment, flexibility, strength and body awareness. Connection to your breath through controlled movements.  Pilates classes coming soon!


Standing yoga pose
Downward Dog yoga pose

Private Session

Yoga Private Session allows you to dive deeper into your yoga practice. The focus is on alignment and breath, and a special emphasis on proper technique helps you reconnect and rejuvenate your body. 


Pilates Private Session is for anyone who might want to have a session more tailored to their needs. It might be you're new to Pilates and want to work at your own pace and level and become familiar with exercises or techniques. Or you want a more focused workout or have specific injury you may be working on. 


Whether Yoga or Pilates I will plan and adapt sessions to your specific needs and will work with you to help you achieve your goals. 


For more information and to book a private session please contact Laura. 

On Demand Classes


Seated Side Bend yoga pose
Yoga instructor sitting on the floor


Yoga and Pilates has brought me so much joy, comfort and wellness. If you have any questions regarding my services, please feel free to contact me.

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